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Examine the XML Sitemap - XML sitemaps are way too important to neglect. This is why, no SEO audit is complete without a check if your XML sitemap is up-to-date, readable, and functioning. Your XML sitemap must contain only pages that are really on your site and all your pages you want indexed must be included in the sitemap. Any deviation from this rule is a potential problem, so you need to find it and solve it now. Also, double check if your XML map is submitted to search engines. You might have the perfect XML sitemap but if it isn't used by search engines, this makes it pointless.


Web Design/Development Audit - When we discuss availability, we can't skip such very important factors, such as site architecture, speed of loading, uptime, use of Flash/JavaScript. Your site architecture is directly related to availability ‐ the more menus and submenus you have, the harder to access it (and all equal, the more broken links). If your site takes ages to load and/or is frequently down, this is also a turnoff to both human users and search engine spiders, so these issues also need to be corrected asap. Just find a good host and your problems are over! Flash and JavaScript are two of the major nightmares of any SEO professional. While very often their use can't be avoided completely.


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